fall for yourself
standing on a cliff looking over the edge into complete whiteness into the light of what will become. contemplating what it will take to...
standing on a cliff looking over the edge into complete whiteness into the light of what will become. contemplating what it will take to...
I sit, with my hands tied by the chains of my unacknowledged wounds, my body frozen, watching. the darkness of my past approaches,...
the healing journey is not linear. there is no start, and there is no end. we do not “fix” our trauma or neurosis, and be done with it....
the one who never felt she belonged in this strange world, fears independence. she asks herself: what if my truest self is too different?...
it is important to remember, nothing is forever. as long as we listen deeply, and tune in to the only constant —change— there is no wrong...
my ego gets a hit when I complexify things. the mental challenge of figuring something out is addictive. however, complexifying things...
life is just one big experiment. one of trying and failing and learning. and trying again and failing again and learning more. and...
breathe. and n o t i c e . allow the texture of the space that touches your skin to dialogue with the dynamic space within your being....
for those of you who feel the void, the daunting emptiness that exists around the corner... for those of you who have ever felt...
where I would have previously turned away, like prey instinctively running from its predator, out of fear, I am learning to face the d a...
when the ether whispers to itself, when the s p a c e speaks in its evolutionary tone, of relative TRUTH what does it say? who does it...
I desire to know that dynamically potent space between emerging inspiration and creative expression. that magical space where there’s...
L O O K through the lens of your heart, into the soul of the Earth, and ultimately, you will find her looking back at you, with the most...
dear you, the stories society told. the stories that crawled under her skin, patterning the soul far beneath her mind to believe it...
walk into the fire. if you’re lucky, it will burn you. a blessing in disguise... igniting the flame of your soul.